LIDAR Scanning
RIEGL Airborne Scanning
All listed Laserscanners are designed for aircraft installation with high efficient data acquisition at low, mid, and high altitudes, covering a variety of different airborne laser scanning applications from high density to wide area mapping. Its high speed rotating mirror design ensures reliability, and uniform point distribution across its entire wide field of view and at all flying altitudes. Based on RIEGL’s proven Waveform-LiDAR technology, the system provides point clouds with highest accuracy, excellent vertical target resolution, calibrated reflectance readings, and pulse shape deviation for unsurpassed information content on each single measurement. Excellent atmospheric clutter suppression yields clean point clouds with minimum efforts in filtering isolated noise points.
VQ-480 II Main Applications
Wide Area / High Altitude Mapping
High Point Density Mapping
Mapping of Complex Urban Environments
Glacier & Snowfield Mapping
City Modeling
Mapping of Lakesides & River Banks
Agriculture & Forestry
Corridor Mapping
VQ-480 II
The VQ-480 II presents itself in a completely new design that successfully takes up the already proven qualities and leads them to a new standard of performance and user friendliness.
Its sophisticated design allows to further reduce the overall weight resulting in approx. 10 kg. Thus, the scanner is well suited for the use in manned but also in unmanned aircrafts. The VQ-480 II can seamlessly be integrated into stabilized platforms, e.g. standard gyro mounts, and also into even small hatches.
VQ-480 II Main Features
high accuracy ranging based on RIEGL Waveform-LiDAR technology
high laser pulse repetition rate up to 2 MHz
measurement rate up to 1,250,000 measurements/sec
perfectly linear and parallel scan lines
compact, & lightweight design: ready for integration in UAVs with higher payload capacity
wide field of view of 75°
interfaces for up to 5 optional cameras
mechanical and electrical interface for IMU/GNSS integration
removable storage card and integrated Solid State Disk (SSD) for data storage
compatible with stabilized platforms and even small hatches
seamless integration and compatibility with other RIEGL ALS systems and software packages
VQ-480 II Data Sheet
VQ-480 II Technical Specifications
Here you can download all technical specifications as a PDF file.
The RIEGL VQ-580 II presents itself in a completely new design that successfully takes up the already proven qualities and leads them to a new standard of performance and user-friendliness.
Its new sophisticated design allows to further reduce the overall weight and enables the seamless integration into stabilized platforms, e.g. standard gyro mounts, and also into even small hatches. The scanner is well suited for the use in manned aircrafts like helicopters, small fixed wing aircrafts, or ultra-light planes.
The laser wavelength makes it especially suited for measurements on ice and snow.
RIEGL VQ-580 II Main Features
high accuracy ranging based on RIEGL Waveform-LiDAR technology
high laser pulse repetition rate up to 2MHz
measurement rate up to 1,250,000 measurements/sec
perfectly linear and parallel scan lines
wide field of view of 75°
excellently suited to measure on snow & ice
interfaces for up to 5 optional cameras
mechanical and electrical interface for IMU/GNSS integration
removable storage card and integrated Solid State Disk (SSD) for data storage
compact, & lightweight design
compatible with stabilized platforms and even small hatches
seamless integration and compatibility with other RIEGL ALS systems and software packages
RIEGL VG-580 II Data Sheet
RIEGL VQ-580 II Technical Specifications
Here you can download all technical specifications as a PDF file.
To meet the increasing requirements of compact laser scanners for medium- and wide-area mapping as well as for corridor mapping, RIEGL offers the VQ-580 II-S. The successor of the well-proven VQ-580 II Airborne Laser Scanner provides an increased maximum measurement range of up to 2.450 m. It is perfectly suited for integration with gyro-stabilized mounts as well as into the VQX-1 Wing Pod, RIEGL’s fully integrated laser scanning system for user-friendly installation on Cessna single piston engine aircraft to facilitate various airborne mapping applications.
The device‘s light weight and clean design allows seamless integration into stabilized platforms or even small hatches, and enables the efficient acquisition of high-quality data for a variety of applications from a wide range of manned aircraft such as helicopters, small fixed wing aircraft and ultralight aircraft.
RIEGL VQ-580 II-S Main Features
increased measurement range of up to 2.450 m
high accuracy ranging based on RIEGL Waveform-LiDAR technology
high laser pulse repetition rate up to 2MHz
measurement rate up to 1,250,000 measurements/sec
perfectly linear and parallel scan lines
wide field of view of 75°
excellently suited to measure to snow & ice
interfaces for up to 5 optional cameras
mechanical and electrical interface for IMU/GNSS integration
removable storage card and integrated Solid State Disk (SSD) for data storage
compact and lightweight design
compatible with stabilized platforms and even small hatches
seamless integration and compatibility with other RIEGL ALS systems and software packages
RIEGL VG-580 II-S Data Sheet
RIEGL VQ-580 II-S Technical Specifications
Here you can download all technical specifications as a PDF file.
The Waveform Processing Airborne Laser Scanner RIEGL VQ-780 II provides further increased performance and highest productivity based on a laser pulse repetition rate of up to 2 MHz, resulting in more than 1.33 million measurements/sec on the ground.
The versatile scanner is designed for high efficient data acquisition at low, mid, and high altitudes, covering a variety of different airborne laser scanning applications from high density to wide area mapping. Its high speed rotating mirror design ensures reliability, and uniform point distribution across its entire wide field of view and at all flying altitudes. Based on RIEGL’s proven Waveform-LiDAR technology, the system provides point clouds with highest accuracy, excellent vertical target resolution, calibrated reflectance readings, and pulse shape deviation for unsurpassed information content on each single measurement. Excellent atmospheric clutter suppression yields clean point clouds with minimum efforts in filtering isolated noise points.
The VQ-780 II is designed to work with the latest Inertial Navigation (IMU) Systems, flight management systems, and camera options. The system is complimented with RIEGL‘s advanced acquisition and data processing software suite that utilizes parallel computing (GPU) for fast data processing.
RIEGL VQ-780 II Main Features
high laser pulse repetition rate up to 2 MHz
up to 1.33 million measurements/sec on the ground
excellent multiple target detection capability
excellent suppression of atmospheric clutter
Multiple-Time-Around (MTA) processing of up to 35 pulses simultaneously in the air
online waveform processing as well as smart and full waveform recording
parallel scan lines and uniform point distribution
interface for GNSS time synchronization
seamless integration and compatibility with other RIEGL ALS systems and software packages
RIEGL VG-780 II Data Sheet
RIEGL VQ-780 II Technical Specifications
Here you can download all technical specifications as a PDF file.
The RIEGL VQ-780 II-S is a high performance, rugged, lightweight, and compact airborne mapping sensor. This versatile system is designed for high efficient data acquisition at low, mid, and high altitudes, covering a variety of different airborne laser scanning applications from high density to wide area mapping.
The high-speed rotating mirror design ensures reliability, and uniform point distribution across its entire wide field of view and at all flight altitudes. Based on RIEGL’s proven Waveform-LiDAR technology, the system provides point clouds with highest accuracy, excellent vertical target resolution, calibrated reflectance readings, and pulse shape deviation for unsurpassed information content on each single measurement. Excellent atmospheric clutter suppression yields clean point clouds with minimum efforts in filtering isolated noise points.
The system is complemented with RIEGL’s advanced acquisition and data processing software suite that utilizes parallel computing (GPU) for fast data processing.
The RIEGL VQ-780 II-S is designed to work with the latest Inertial Navigation (IMU) Systems, flight management systems, and camera options.
RIEGL VQ-780 II-S Main Features
high laser pulse repetition rate up to 2 MHz
up to 1.33 million measurements/sec on the ground
excellent multiple target detection capability
excellent suppression of atmospheric clutter
Multiple-Time-Around (MTA) processing of up to 45 pulses simultaneously in the air
online waveform processing as well as smart and full waveform recording
parallel scan lines and uniform point distribution
interface for GNSS time synchronization
seamless integration and compatibility with other RIEGL ALS systems and software packages
RIEGL VG-780 II-S Data Sheet
RIEGL VQ-780 II-S Technical Specifications
Here you can download all technical specifications as a PDF file.
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